Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pleasant Surprises...

Last night was a long night with Jack who had a hard time settling down for a few hours. So when I got up this morning and struggled to get to the living room, I just wanted a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha and a nice omelette - wishful thinking, I know. Maya was already chatting in the bed with grandma Mo so the quietness of the morning was soon to be distilled by her running footsteps.

Thankfully, the Lord knows that most of the time, what really ministers to my heart are the little things in a cup of coffee, or a Cooking Light magazine, o
r a hand picked wildflower (Chris used to steal flowers from people's yards for me...). And thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. So this morning, He decided to make my heart leap and rejoice just like that of my little 3 year old - as I looked outside the window all was WHITE!!! We had our first snow! Granted, it melted within a few hours, but what a wonderful way to wake up. I got Maya out of bed and told her, "Come and see....God gave us a surprise!" She was just as excited as I was and it was a fun time together with my little girl. Of course, the next question out of her mouth was, "Can we go outside???" Sure enough, they did a little while later and had a blast. Maya even brought me back some snow and panicked when I said I'll put it in the sink! So we put it in a bowl -the fact that it was melted within a few minutes didn't matter, but putting it in the sink would ruin it! Praise the
Lord for his pleasant surprises.

Oh, and what was little bit doing while the others were outside....snoozing of course...making up for the lost sleep!


Ken and Michelle said...

How fun! We had snow this weekend too. It snowed pretty much most of the day yesterday (a couple of inches). I was hoping that it might send me into labor. No such luck. Have a great week. BTW Jack is a very cute baby. How sweet he looks sleeping.

dancing queen said...

you are amazing!!! i can't believe how you're keeping up with this blog! i LOVE the pictures! maya looks AMAZING in her snow suit! like a lavendar little snowgirl. give her a kiss from me!

i am INSPIRED and i'm going to start my blog...any day now. keep up the good work super mom!