Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Life in Santa Fe, NM

I don't think I ever thought of New Mexico as a place where I would come to live. And yet, the river of God's providence has led us here. I have to admit that I had lots of prejudices thinking about Santa Fe - I thought there was no grass, no brick, and just ugly desert all around. What I have found instead is a different kind of beauty - surrounded by hills on all sides, nestled in their arms lies this strange little town, brown all around with a few spots of color here and there, a town that is completely unique, strange, and yet in it's own way captivating. The sunset God paints here is one of a masterful artist with colors melting into one another, leaving the one watching helpless but to stare in wonder.

In the midst of this uniqueness and beauty we find ourselves homeless and in search for a house for our family. The kids are tired and in need of a schedule, our stuff is on a truck somewhere between here and St. Louis and we're learning to trust that God's providence never abandons us even when we don't see the next step. All we need is Him, and having but the clothes on our backs (and a few spares in a suitcase!) that is becoming the rubber that meets the road. We feel like Abraham who left all that he knew to be a sojourner in a country not his own and not knowing where he was going. We are encouraged because God led Abraham and continued to reveal Himself and pour out blessings on him. We are encouraged because God's character is steady and trustworthy.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Mags...I was thrilled when you popped up on my reader! I am so encouraged by your journey...so excited. Thank you for posting, that was good for me to see right now as we are considering some things. We'll be in prayer for you! Much love!!!